Solution Description
Key solution steps
Renaming and restoring the target system database - adjusting file system permissions. Renaming, recovery and startup of the target system database.
Such system copies, with their enormous manual effort and SAP checklists that are often hundreds of items long, must be performed before every refresh. Usually, three to four days have to be planned for this, during which the QA system - which in two-tier SAP environments is also the development system - is not available for the actual work. The delay is actually only caused by the meticulous matching of trivial things, such as directory names. Because such SAP system copies have to be created for each SAP application on the QA system and can thus quickly require dozens of system copies, they tie up a lot of resources and staff.
Automation tool reduces time required to create test environments
An SAP system copy is an important part of a company's IT operations, as it helps reduce the risk of data loss. However, it is important to regularly schedule and monitor the creation of system copies to ensure that a working copy of the system is available in the event of an emergency.
Innovative test data management provides realistic, relevant and secure test data. With this data, companies are able to decisively accelerate and qualitatively improve their development and change processes and make testing and training scenarios affordable. For example, it is possible to automate quality assurance processes and successfully introduce new business functions without a costly and time-consuming SAP system copy. Software development can also be accelerated. The test data software always ensures that tests are carried out particularly thoroughly.
Powerful and sophisticated automation tools for the creation of SAP system copies provide a remedy here and, in addition to time and cost savings, demonstrably also make it possible, for example, to increase the process quality in system copying or to maintain it at a consistently high level. In effect, they free up SAP Basis. With "Shortcut for SAP Systems", you can sustainably relieve your administrators of the time-consuming routine activities of an SAP system copy.
However, the burden of copying falls on the SAN.
The pre- and post-processing is often performed manually while the target system is running.