SAP system copy Solution Description

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Solution Description
Create SAP HANA system replication levels
Acceleration/table export: up to 4 times faster. The larger the table and the higher the effort for sorting, the greater the time gain during export.

"The creation of SAP system copies used to represent an enormous effort," says Martin Schulz from SAP Basis Administration. Almost 4,000 employees worldwide access our SAP systems directly. If the SAP systems are down, then nothing works in many departments - and that certainly happened in the past. Although the actual copying process is completed in just a few hours, the manual post-processing - which includes, for example, adjusting parameters, users and rights, profiles, system settings and interfaces - can take up to a week. This keeps the entire seven-person SAP Basis team busy.
SAP system update and database update
If the data stocks become obsolete, they can be updated by another system copy. From a technical point of view, such a refresh corresponds to the initial setup, including the associated costs as well as the load on the productive systems and manual rework. In addition, a refresh also interrupts all processes on the target system. If it is a development system, all newer development objects must be saved and transported back in after the copy. The version history is lost in the process.

With the definition of package groups, the parallel processing of packages can be configured beyond the definition of the order: All defined groups run in parallel to each other. For each group the parameters jobNum, taskArgs and loadArgs can be defined separately.

From now on, this will be easier. "Shortcut for SAP Systems" contributes to a time-optimized execution of this complex process, no matter when and at what frequency, and while maintaining a high degree of flexibility even in changing environments.

In order to be able to work with the most up-to-date data possible on the development and quality assurance systems, it is necessary to bring an up-to-date production status onto these systems.

TableSplitter, which splits the WHERE-conditions determined by R3ta into packages with one or more subsets.
SAP Corner
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