Critical factor: Availability
What is System Copy as a Service?
Unicode conversion: During the copy, the system is converted from non-Unicode to Unicode. This happens in the context of a homogeneous or heterogeneous system copy. In connection with Unicode must be differentiated between the system copy of a Unicode system and the Unicode conversion.
Creating a consistent storage replica - splitting a clone or creating a snapshot on the disk array. Regardless of the storage size, this process takes only a few seconds.
On-premises: all involved source/target systems in the company's own data centers
SAP upgrade: Before a very extensive SAP upgrade, you may want to test the run and analyze any errors that occur, especially if the development and test systems are not allowed to be down for too long. In that case, it's best to do this on a system copy.
Post system copy rework - The collected information from the system copy prework is evaluated and the corresponding transport requests are reimported. The development status before the system copy is thus restored. In addition, this package includes a tool that, when individual transports are released, checks whether there are any overlaps on the target system with transports that are still open there. This prevents a transport from unintentionally "overtaking" an earlier released one with the same objects.
Powerful and sophisticated automation tools for the creation of SAP system copies provide a remedy here and, in addition to time and cost savings, demonstrably also make it possible, for example, to increase the process quality in system copying or to maintain it at a consistently high level. In effect, they free up SAP Basis. With "Shortcut for SAP Systems", you can sustainably relieve your administrators of the time-consuming routine activities of an SAP system copy.
This is the case when dependencies of the source systems are also to be mapped in the target environments.
To automate most transactions, UC4 Automated System Copy for SAP can also be used.