SAP system copy Before shutting down the target system

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Before shutting down the target system
SAP system deployment scenarios
Over 30 productive systems at more than 9 customers successfully copied using IMIG. For the Unicode conversion of a 4.5 TB system (2.7 TB data) a downtime of 16 hours was achieved (including the follow-up work such as reconfiguration, updating DB statistics, generating reports, creating backups, testing the system).

Transaction IMIG comes with extensive online documentation. It describes the preparations, the general procedure in the form of a quick guide, the individual steps in detail, typical error situations and the problem-solving procedure.
Save time, money and nerves with "Systemcopy as a Service
Table splitting reduces the risk of losing a lot of time during export in case of an error. When restarting, the complete table does not have to be exported again, but only a subset. Simultaneous processing of a table by several R3load processes can reduce the total runtime for this table.

Increasingly, ad hoc requests are coming from IT or SAP Basis to provide an SAP system copy as quickly as possible, for example of an SAP ERP, BW or HCM system. This often leads to special challenges due to a lack of resources or capacities.

With "Shortcut for SAP Systems" any tables can be saved and restored. This is especially useful in the context of an SAP system copy - quite a few tables are system-specific and must exist unchanged in the system after a system copy.Shortcut for SAP Systems uses R3trans - a utility from SAP that is essentially used in the Transport Management System (TMS) environment. With "Shortcut for SAP Systems" it is now also available outside the TMS and enables completely new and diverse application possibilities. Among others in the environment of a system copy. R3trans works database independent. I.e. even in the case of a system refresh from an SAP system with an Oracle DB to a system with HANA, the backup and restore process works!

Until now, it has been common practice to create test systems as a client or system copy of the production system on a specific date.

With this data, companies are able to decisively accelerate and qualitatively improve their development and change processes and make testing and training scenarios affordable.
SAP Corner
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