Using suggestion values and how to upgrade
Authorization concept
Step 2d (Show Modified Transaction Codes) lists all roles that have been found to use an old transaction code. Sometimes, new transaction codes replace old transaction codes. In this step you have the option to exchange the transaction codes. Once you have completed the upgrade of the Eligibility proposal values, you will be given the option in Step 3 (Transport of the Customer Tables). Transport your permissions suggestions in your system landscape.
Now the SAP system is basically able to encrypt emails. However, the system still lacks the recipient's public key. You can manage the required public key information in the Trust Manager's address book. You can find the address book in the Transaction STRUST menu under Certificate > Address Book. Here you can import individual certificates by selecting the corresponding certificate in Certificate > Import Certificate. To get the certificates for all relevant users in this address book via a mass import, use the example programme Z_IMPORT_CERTIFICATES appended in SAP Note 1750161 as a template for a custom programme.
Permissions with Maintenance Status Used
Alternatively, you can maintain this information from the SE93 transaction by selecting a transaction first. You will then be presented with the list of all transactions that can be called from this transaction by using the Tools > Called Transaction Permission menu path. The implementation of SAP Note 1870622 provides a feature enhancement for the SE97 transaction. Among other things, there is the new button Modification Synchronisation. So far, changes in the SE97 transaction have been overwritten by inserting support packages or upgrades. With the modification comparison it is now possible to match your changes with the default values.
In a redesign, we follow the principle of job-related workstation roles to technically map the job profile of the employees. To minimize the effort for the same job profiles with different organizational affiliations, the organizational units are inherited via an additional role. The separation of technical and organizational requirements greatly simplifies role development and modification. If certain people, such as team leaders, require extended authorizations, key user roles are developed for them, which extend the existing job role.
For the assignment of existing roles, regular authorization workflows require a certain minimum of turnaround time, and not every approver is available at every go-live. With "Shortcut for SAP systems" you have options to assign urgently needed authorizations anyway and to additionally secure your go-live.
Add or change the permissions, the Maintenance Status changes to either Care or Changed.
This is done by checking the S_TABU_CLI authorization object, which decides on maintenance permissions for client-independent tables.