SAP Authorizations User Information System SUIM

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User Information System SUIM
User Management
Once you have edited the role menu, you can customise the actual permissions in the PFCG role. To do this, click the Permissions tab. Depending on the quantity of external services from the Role menu, the authorization objects will appear. The authorization objects are loaded into the PFCG role, depending on their suggestion values, which must be maintained for each external service in the USOBT_C and USOBX_C tables. You can edit these suggested values in the SU24 transaction. Make sure that external services in the Customer Name Room also have the names of external services and their suggestion values in the tables maintained (see Tip 41, "Add external services from SAP CRM to the proposal values"). Visibility and access to external services is guaranteed by the UIU_COMP authorization object. This authorization object consists of three permission fields: COMP_NAME (name of a component), COMP_WIN (component window name), COMP_PLUG (inbound plug).

The basic idea of the approach described below is to evaluate the previous usage behaviour (reverse engineering) for the definition of the required permissions. In the first step, you configure the retention time of usage data, because each SAP system logs the calls to bootable applications. This way, not only the user, at what time, what transaction, but also the user, which function block was called. These data are then condensed into daily, weekly and monthly aggregates and stored for a specified period. This statistical usage data is originally intended for performance analysis; You can also use them to determine the permissions you need. We described the configuration of the retention time of the statistical usage data in Tip 26, "Use usage data for role definition". Please also refer to our explanations on the involvement of your organisation's co-determination body in the storage and use of the statistical usage data. In addition to the settings described in Tip 26, you should also adjust the retention time for the RFC Client Profile (WO), RFC Client Destination Profile (WP), RFC Server Profile (WQ), and RFC Server Destination Profile (WR) task types using the SWNCCOLLPARREO Care View.
Assign SAP_NEW to Test
Entry into role maintenance requires the transport permission (S_USER_AGR, ACTVT = 02) in addition to the modification permission (S_USER_AGR, ACTVT = 21). If role recording requires creating new transport jobs or tasks, you need permissions to the transport objects (e.g. S_TRANSPRT with TTYPE = CUST or TASK and ACTVT = 02).

It takes too long to read out the User and Permissions Management change notes? With a good archiving concept, you can improve performance. User and Permissions Management applications write change documents that increase significantly over time and can cause long wait times to read them. To reduce waiting times, you should archive the documents and set a logical index for key change documents. For this, however, you need a comprehensive overview of the storage locations and also of the evaluation possibilities and archiving scenarios. In the following we will show you how you can optimise the change document management of the user and permission management.

Authorizations can also be assigned via "Shortcut for SAP systems".

If the ID is maintained for all affected clients, there is no longer a risk that the six digits used from the fifth position of the generated profile name will be the same.

In addition, the user information system reports have added selected security policies to the user selection.
SAP Corner
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