Unclear responsibilities, especially between business and IT
Installing and executing ABAP source code via RFC
Remove improperly defined SAP Orgebene ($CLASS): This function deletes the $CLASS organisational level that was incorrectly delivered with the GRCPlug-in (Governance, Risk and Compliance). Use the test mode of the report to look at possible corrections in advance.
Your compliance requirements specify that background jobs that are used should be maintained with permission proposals? We'll show you how to do that. Particularly in the banking environment, there are very strict guidelines for the permissions of background jobs used for monthly and quarterly financial statements, etc. Only selected users or dedicated system users may have these permissions. In order to clearly distinguish these permissions from the end-user permissions, it is useful to explicitly maintain the permissions for specific background jobs with suggestion values, so that these values can be used repeatedly to maintain permissions and are therefore transparent. You may have noticed that in the transaction SU24 you have no way to maintain background job credentials. So what's the best way to do that?
Identify Executable Transaction Codes
It's never too late to rethink your authorization concept. Start by defining the objective of each role and take advantage of the reporting offered in SAP SuccessFactors.
Now maintain the permissions and organisation levels. If possible, use organisational level values in the note, which you can find well in other numbers later on, i.e. about 9999 or 1234. After generating and saving the role, you will be returned to eCATT. There you will be asked if you want to accept the data and confirm with Yes. You have now successfully recorded the blueprint. Now the slightly trickier part follows: The identification of the values to be changed at mass execution. In the editor of your test configuration, the record you created is located at the bottom of the text box. We can now execute the test script en masse with any input. We need a test configuration for this. In the example Z_ROLLOUT_STAMMDATEN, enter a corresponding name and click the Create Object button. On the Attribute tab, specify a general description and component. On the Configuration tab, select the test script you created earlier in the corresponding field. Then click the Variants tab. The variants are the input in our script. Since we do not know the format in which eCATT needs the input values, it is helpful to download it first. To do this, select External Variants/Path and click Download Variants. A text file is now created under the appropriate path, containing the desired format with the input parameters. Open the data with Microsoft Excel and set your target value list. To do so, delete the line *ECATTDEFAULT. In the VARIANT column, you can simply use a sequential numbering. Save the file in text format, not in any Excel format.
However, if your Identity Management system is currently not available or the approval path is interrupted, you can still assign urgently needed authorizations with "Shortcut for SAP systems".
SAP authorizations are not exclusively an operational issue - they are also essential for risk management and compliance and represent one of the key audit topics for internal auditing and auditors.
However, in many cases the tools are too costly, so the cost-benefit ratio is usually not given.