SAP Authorizations Take advantage of roll transport feature improvements

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Take advantage of roll transport feature improvements
Important components in the authorization concept
Not all users should be able to log on to the application server during your maintenance? Use the security policy and a new profile parameter. When you are performing maintenance work on your SAP system, it is always necessary to prevent users from logging into the application server. This often excludes a small group of administrators who are still allowed to log on to the system. Until now, users had to be locked and the group of administrators excluded from this lock. This is now easier by using the security policy in combination with the login/server_logon_restriction profile parameter.

I will go into more detail on the subject of further training in the SAP environment at the next opportunity. As a small anticipation, I may refer here to some SAP blogs on the subject of SAP Basis or also the VideoPodcast "RZ10 LIVE SAP BASIS AND SECURITY" from picks up topics in the area of authorizations again and again and is instructive here :-).
User master data
SAP delivers authorization objects for Records and Case Management, which you can use to control access to records, cases, documents, and incoming mail items for individual organizational units in your organizational plan in conjunction with corresponding Customizing settings. SAP delivers predefined roles that contain clearly defined authorizations for the respective task areas of the employees. Among other things, these roles also contain the authorization objects for Records Management and Case Management. You can use the roles as a template for your own roles and adapt them to your requirements.

The Security Audit Log can also log customer-specific events in restricted way starting with SAP NetWeaver 7.31. The event definitions DUX, DUY and DUZ are reserved for customers and delivered with a dummy expression. For these events, you can then define individually configurable messages using the RSAU_WRITE_CUSTOMER_EVTS function block. To do this, you must first identify the additional necessary events and define their message texts and variables. Note that you may not change the meaning of the message and the arrangement of the variables later, as this would prevent older log files from being readable. Finally, you must include the new message definitions in your filters (transaction SM19). You will find the corrections and an overview of the required support packages in SAP Note 1941526. Since the use of this functionality requires extensive knowledge about the Security Audit Log, it is important that you also consider the recommendations in SAP Note 1941568 and that you can be supported by a basic consultant.

Authorizations can also be assigned via "Shortcut for SAP systems".

A list indicates the number of users with the validated permission in the different clients of the analysed SAP system.

The Profile Generator is used to simplify and speed up user administration and should always be used when setting up authorizations for your employees.
SAP Corner
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