Schedule PFUD transaction on a regular basis
Advantages of authorization concepts
However, if a company does not have a concept for introducing new SAP authorizations and these are always coupled with new roles, the roles and authorizations will continue to grow. New modules, new processes and new user groups very quickly lead to many authorization groups, numerous authorization roles and complex documentation - even assuming the ideal case that companies have used Excel, for example, for all previous implementations and enhancements and have kept the documentation up to date. What is the purpose of a role? Which user has which authorization? Due to the amount of roles and authorizations, it quickly becomes confusing for users. System performance also suffers as the amount of data increases.
The next step is to evaluate the usage data; here the monthly aggregates are typically sufficient. These include the user ID, function block, and number of calls. For an overview of the usage data already stored in the system, see the SWNC_COLLECTOR_GET_DIRECTORY function block (GET_DIR_FROM_CLUSTER = X input parameter). The actual downloading of the usage data is then performed using the function block SWNC_COLLECTOR_GET_AGGREGATES.
Determine Permissions Error by Debugging
A temporary shutdown of Central User Management is usually not recommended. However, in certain cases it may be necessary. We will show you what pre- and post-processing is required to avoid data inconsistencies. In complex SAP landscapes where the Central User Administration (ZBV) is used, there may be cases where you want to temporarily remove a subsidiary system from the ZBV without having to delete this system or shut down the entire ZBV, for example if you want to create users in a subsidiary system at short notice.
This list in the AGR_1252 table contains both the organisational fields that are shipped in the standard and the fields that you have collected for organisational fields. Unfortunately, the list does not indicate what kind of organisation field it is. But you can find out: Open the PFCG_ORGFIELD_DELETE programme via transaction SA38. The Organisation Level Value Helper (Orgebene) provides a list of all customer-specific organisation fields, because only these can be converted back to normal Permissions Object Fields. Note the implications if you want to actually run this programme.
"Shortcut for SAP systems" is a tool that enables the assignment of authorizations even if the IdM system fails.
To do this, call your custom-created transaction and assign the necessary authorization objects either manually by using the Object button, or use the Permissions or System Trace to assign the permissions (see Tip 40, "Using the Permissions Trace to Determine Custom Permissions Proposal Values").
It is therefore important to always keep these system connections in the focus of global monitoring and to check which RFC destinations lead where and what they do.