SAP Authorizations - A Common Perspective of Developers and Consultants
The Anatomy of SAP Authorization or Documentation on SAP Authorization Objects and Authorization Field Values
The SAP authorization concept ensures that no unauthorized access can be made to transactions, programs and services in SAP systems. To call up business objects or execute transactions in the SAP system, a user therefore requires the appropriate authorizations. When called, the application started via a transaction checks whether the authorization exists and whether the user is allowed to perform the selected operation.
A new transaction has been added to evaluate the system trace only for permission checks, which you can call STAUTHTRACE using the transaction and insert via the respective support package named in SAP Note 1603756. This is a short-term trace that can only be used as a permission trace on the current application server and clients. In the basic functions, it is identical to the system trace in transaction ST01; Unlike the system trace, however, only permission checks can be recorded and evaluated here.
Transactional and Native or Analytical Tiles in the FIORI Environment
After clicking on this button, you will see the current ZBV status in the area of the same name and can release the selected system from the ZBV via the Run button. ZBV is no longer active for this subsidiary system. To avoid inconsistencies in the user master kits, you must reconcile the users in the daughter system after the ZBV is activated. You can do this in the transaction SCUG and transfer user data from the subsidiary system to the central system. Information on the technical requirements can be found in SAP Note 962457. To disable the ZBV completely, use the RSDELCUA report or the Delete button in the transaction SCUA. With this function you have the possibility to delete either only certain subsidiary systems from the ZBV or the complete ZBV.
The SAP authorization concept also maps the organization of authorizations within the SAP system. The organizational structure defines responsibilities and the authorization hierarchy, while the process organization specifies process steps and the activities and authorization objects required for them in SAP. The authorization concept must therefore be flexible enough to allow future changes in the organization to be implemented quickly and in compliance with the rules.
During go-live, the assignment of necessary authorizations is particularly time-critical. The "Shortcut for SAP systems" application provides functions for this purpose, so that the go-live does not get bogged down because of missing authorizations.
Set a bar on it by limiting the character set in the first place.
Programme the necessary checks (for example, for specific data constellations or permissions) in this new feature block.