Role Management
The SAP authorization concept ensures that no unauthorized access can be made to transactions, programs and services in SAP systems. To call up business objects or execute transactions in the SAP system, a user therefore requires the appropriate authorizations. When called, the application started via a transaction checks whether the authorization exists and whether the user is allowed to perform the selected operation.
First, create an overview of the customising tables currently available in your system. To do this, open the DD02L table and search for tables that start with Y, Z or your specific customer name space. Tables with delivery class C (such as customising, found in column A) are the relevant tables in this context. The descriptive texts to the tables can be found in the table DD02T.
Compensating measures for segregation of duties conflicts
The concept for in-house developments is obligatory for every company that writes its own software. It specifies requirements, for example, for the structure, naming and documentation of program components, and in particular for dealing with safety-critical aspects. The wording should not be too general, but should explicitly address the special features of programming in SAP.
Do this once in your system. For example, you can jump from the MM50 transaction to the MM01 transaction without explicitly assigning transaction startup permission to the MM01 transaction through the S_TCODE authorization object. You can see this call in your System Trace for Permissions in the Additional Information column for testing. There you can see that the CALL TRANSACTION call has disabled the permission check. The user is allowed to jump into the transaction MM01, although in the role assigned to him Z_MATERIALSTAMMDATEN only permissions for the transactions MM03 and MM50 are recorded.
During go-live, the assignment of necessary authorizations is particularly time-critical. The "Shortcut for SAP systems" application provides functions for this purpose, so that the go-live does not get bogged down because of missing authorizations.
The other fields in the SMEN_BUFFC table describe the structure of the favourites, where the OBJECT_ID field is the unique key of the favourite entry.
For example, if you check what table permissions a particular user has based on the S_TABU_DIS authorization object, you will receive information about the table names, the associated table permission group, and the eligible activities.