SAP Authorizations RSUSRAUTH

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Security within the development system
Role selection for mass transport uses the default value help, which offers the Multiple Selection button. Thus, you no longer have to go through the Value Helper (F4) to perform multiple selection of roles, and the restriction of selected roles to the visible rows is eliminated.

If a user does not have a print permission for an output device (S_SPO_DEV privilege object), an instant print flag may be rescinded, which means that a spool job created during the job step would not print immediately. If archive parameters are passed when scheduling a step, a check is performed on the object S_WFAR_PRI. If the Step user does not have a matching permission, an error message is displayed.
Authorization object documentation
How to maintain security policies and map them to your users is described in Tip 5, "Defining User Security Policy." You need a separate security policy for administrators to implement this tip, which is often useful for other reasons. In this security policy, you then set the policy attribute SERVER_LOGON_PRIVILEGE to 1. For example, you can also include the DISABLE_PASSWORD_LOGON policy attribute setting, because administrators often want to be able to log in with a password on the system.

The path with the associated permission group DEVL contains the local temporary files of the ABAP Frontend Editor of the ABAP development environment (transactions SE38, SE80, SE24, etc.). The two paths with the ADMN permission group show how logically related paths can be grouped into a S_PATH permission check. The two entries with the FILE permission group show how paths for Windows can be completed in systems with application servers of different operating systems. The core.sem and coreinfo entries are required to write run-time errors in the SNAP snapshot table. The dev_ and gw_ entries allow you to view files from the developer trace and Gateway Log in the ST11 transaction. If the suggestion in the first entry of the table is too restrictive, you can choose the alternative in the following table. This entry only forces a permission check on S_PATH and the ALL permission group; You should, however, only grant such permission very restrictively.

During go-live, the assignment of necessary authorizations is particularly time-critical. The "Shortcut for SAP systems" application provides functions for this purpose, so that the go-live does not get bogged down because of missing authorizations.

This solution is only available via a support package starting with SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 731 and requires a kernel patch.

After you have saved the entry, the description of the role is also maintained in the target language, in our example in the English language and visible after the login.
SAP Corner
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