Perform upgrade rework for Y landscapes permission proposal values
Manual authorizations
In SAP systems, authorization structures grow over the years. If, for example, there is a restructuring in the company or there are new organizations, there is a risk that the authorization concept no longer fits or is implemented correctly.
If an authorization system grows too much over the years and there is no structured approach, the result is uncontrolled growth. If companies wait too long with the cleanup, a complete rebuild of the authorization structure or a new concept may make sense. This must be clarified quickly in the event of a cleanup.
You can also evaluate the application log through the SLG1 (ATAX object) transaction; the output of the report CA_TAXLOG seems more useful here. Finally, we have some important information for you: There are individual programmes that can be used read-only, but also offer options for updates to the database. In these cases, additional logic was implemented (e.g. in SAP Note 925217 to the RFUMSV00 programme for the sales tax pre-reporting). Action log data can be accessed via the transaction SLG2 (Object: ATAX) (see also SAP Note 530733). If you want to customise for the annual permissions directly in the production system (so-called "current setting"), the SAP Note 782707 describes how to do this. Basic information about Current Settings is provided in SAP Notes 135028 and 356483. SAP Note 788313 describes in detail the functional components of the time-space test and the additional logging and also serves as a "cookbook" to use in customer-specific developments. How you can prevent access to the SAP menu and only show the user menu to the user, we described in Tip 47, "Customising User and Permissions Management".
The path with the associated permission group DEVL contains the local temporary files of the ABAP Frontend Editor of the ABAP development environment (transactions SE38, SE80, SE24, etc.). The two paths with the ADMN permission group show how logically related paths can be grouped into a S_PATH permission check. The two entries with the FILE permission group show how paths for Windows can be completed in systems with application servers of different operating systems. The core.sem and coreinfo entries are required to write run-time errors in the SNAP snapshot table. The dev_ and gw_ entries allow you to view files from the developer trace and Gateway Log in the ST11 transaction. If the suggestion in the first entry of the table is too restrictive, you can choose the alternative in the following table. This entry only forces a permission check on S_PATH and the ALL permission group; You should, however, only grant such permission very restrictively.
Assigning a role for a limited period of time is done in seconds with "Shortcut for SAP systems" and allows you to quickly continue your go-live.
Normally, at least a 3-system landscape is used (development, test and production system).
The fact that the buffer is not up-to-date is recognised by the fact that existing permissions that are not in the buffer are marked in the transaction SU56 with the note "In the root data but not in the user buffer".