Organisational allocation
Service User
After clicking on this button, you will see the current ZBV status in the area of the same name and can release the selected system from the ZBV via the Run button. ZBV is no longer active for this subsidiary system. To avoid inconsistencies in the user master kits, you must reconcile the users in the daughter system after the ZBV is activated. You can do this in the transaction SCUG and transfer user data from the subsidiary system to the central system. Information on the technical requirements can be found in SAP Note 962457. To disable the ZBV completely, use the RSDELCUA report or the Delete button in the transaction SCUA. With this function you have the possibility to delete either only certain subsidiary systems from the ZBV or the complete ZBV.
Various activities, such as changes to content or the assignment of roles, are made traceable via change documents. This authorization should only be assigned to an emergency user.
Make sense in maintaining proposal values
If these issues are not taken into account during a conversion, there will be an imbalance between the system and the components to be protected, since the change in the system constellation means that new components, such as those mentioned above, must also be taken into account. Otherwise, a company may suffer economic damage and the resulting damage to its image. Furthermore, neglect of legal requirements (BDSG, DSGVO, GOB, HGB, etc.)1 can lead to legal measures or steps.
The permission check for the S_PATH object is performed as described only for files corresponding to a path with a permission group in the SPTH table. In our example, you should grant permission for the S_PATH object with the value FILE in the FS_BRGRU field to access files with the path /tmp/myfiles*. Note that the authorization object only distinguishes two types of access. These two values summarise the access types of the S_DATASET authorization object. The value Modify corresponds to the values Delete, Write, and Write with Filter; the value View corresponds to Read and Read with Filter.
"Shortcut for SAP systems" is a tool that enables the assignment of authorizations even if the IdM system fails.
Depending on the size of the ring buffer and system usage, up to 100 failed permissions checks per user can be displayed for the last three hours.
These rework can be complex if the underlying selection of proposed values cannot be restricted.