SAP Authorizations Map roles through organisational management

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Map roles through organisational management
Preventing sprawl with the workload monitor
When configuring the Security Audit Log, you must consider the storage of the files. At least one separate file is created for each day. When the maximum size of all files for the tag is reached, additional events are stopped. So you should always adjust the maximum size of the file to your needs using the parameters rsau/max_diskspace/per_file and rsau/max_diskspace/per_day. The rsau/max_diskspace/local parameter is obsolete in this case, but remains active if the other two parameters are not maintained.

GET_EMAIL_ADDRESS: The example implementation of this method reads the e-mail address from the system's user master record. Adjust the method if you want to read the email address from another source.
User Information System SUIM
No more users can be created, maintained or deleted without the assignment of a valid user group. If a user group is not assigned when a user is created, the user is automatically assigned the default user group. Before you set the USER_GRP_REQUIRED switch, a user group must have been assigned to each existing user and the administrators must have the permissions for the default user group. When creating a new user, the default user group will be used as pre-occupancy; this user group can be overridden by setting another user group in the S_USER_GRP_DEFAULT user parameter for each user administrator. The customising switch requires a valid user group, because it is used as the default user group. If a valid user group has not been entered in the customising switch, the user group is nevertheless a mandatory field. This will lead to errors in automated user creation.

You can use the BAdI SMIME_EMAIL of the SMIME extension spot and implement the CERTIFICATE_RETRIEVAL and CERTIFICATE_SELECTION methods according to your requirements. This BAdI is called whenever an encrypted e-mail is sent. An extension allows you to search for a valid certificate at run time (for example, the one with the longest validity) to the recipient's email address in a source you defined. In the default implementation, the BAdI searches for the certificate in the Trust Manager's address book. For details on the availability of BAdIs, see SAP Note 1835509.

"Shortcut for SAP systems" is a tool that enables the assignment of authorizations even if the IdM system fails.

Therefore, use a risk analysis to select the topics and processes that should be at the top of the list when securing.

You can find them in the AREA field of the ENLFDIR table.
SAP Corner
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