Maintaining Authorization Objects (Transaction SU21)
Managed Services
Access options and authorizations are defined and controlled in the SAP authorization concept. How secure business data is in SAP depends largely on the assignment of authorizations and access options for a company's users.
You use Central User Management and wonder why you still need to evaluate the licence data individually in the attached systems. This does not have to be the case, because a central evaluation is possible! There are licence fees for using SAP systems, and you need SAP licence keys. The amount of your licence costs will be determined during the current operation, depending on the number of users and the features used in the SAP software. The survey programme (transaction USMM), the results of which you transmit to SAP, serves this purpose. Not only the number of users is relevant, but also their classification, the so-called user types. You assign these to the user via the transaction SU01 or the transaction SU10 (Licence Data tab). Alternatively, you can let the user inherit the user type of a reference user or classify it via an associated role. This is done by analogy when you use the Central User Administration (ZBV). So far, there has been no central evaluation of the data of all systems connected to the ZBV. Now this has changed, and we'll show you how you can use this analysis.
SAP Security Concepts
The downloading of the table must be monthly. You can also make downloading easier; Frank Buchholz presents programmes that you can use in his blog (see Optionally, the next step is to identify function groups for the function blocks. You can find them in the AREA field of the ENLFDIR table. However, we recommend granting permissions at the function block level, because function groups often contain a large number of function blocks and the accessibility is expanded unnecessarily.
Every action of the emergency user must be traceable, which requires the appropriate configuration of logging components such as the Security Audit Log. After the event, all log files are always evaluated and all details are recorded in documentation. It is also possible to specify in the concept that, in the event of an emergency, extended authorization may be granted to other selected users; this is up to the company to decide.
"Shortcut for SAP systems" is a tool that enables the assignment of authorizations even if the IdM system fails.
The RFC interfaces and associated system users often have too strong authorizations and can quickly be misused by unauthorized persons to view sensitive company data.
You can also use the SU53 transaction to centrally view failed permission checks.