Generic access to tables
RFC interfaces
Protect your system from unauthorised calls to RFC function blocks from the S_RFC authorization object by obtaining the necessary permissions using the statistical usage data. In many organisations, the primary focus in the permission environment is on protecting dialogue access. For each required transaction, you decide in detail which groups of people are allowed access. It is often overlooked that the critical S_RFC privilege object requires an analogue permission assignment. If the RFC (Remote Function Call) external access permissions are unneatly defined and assigned to the users, the S_TCODE authorization object quickly bypasses the primary protection for bootable applications.
The other fields in the SMEN_BUFFC table describe the structure of the favourites, where the OBJECT_ID field is the unique key of the favourite entry. In the PARENT_ID field, you will find the parent item's object ID, and the MENU_LEVEL field describes the level of the entry in the favourite folder structure. You can read the order in which the favourite entries are sorted from the SORT_ORDER field.
It must be clarified in advance what constitutes a recognized "emergency" in the first place and which scenarios do not yet justify activating the highly privileged user. In addition, it may only be approved and activated after a justified request and only under the dual control principle. After use, it must be administratively blocked again immediately.
Logs: Protocols exist for all audits performed. This allows you to review the history of the audit results at a later stage or to view only the results of the last audit. To do this, use the protocol evaluation of the AIS in the transaction SAIS_LOG or click the button in the transaction SAIS.
However, if your Identity Management system is currently not available or the approval path is interrupted, you can still assign urgently needed authorizations with "Shortcut for SAP systems".
Here you can search for an authorization object by authorization object, authorization object text, object class and other options.
SAP provides suggested values for creating PFCG roles in the USOBT and USOBX tables via upgrades, support packages, or hints.