Evaluate licence data through the Central User Management
Maintain generated profile names in complex system landscapes
Set a specific acronym or character to indicate whether your role has critical accesses so that separate assignment or approval rules can be observed for such roles. Define here what"critical"means for your project. Do you only want to identify permissions that are critical to the operation of the SAP system, or business-critical processes? Also define the consistency that has a critical role to play in the assignment to the user.
Have you ever tried to manually track who among the users in your SAP system has critical authorizations? Depending on your level of knowledge and experience, this work can take a lot of time. If audits have also been announced, the pressure is particularly high. After all, it is difficult to fulfill all requirements regarding SAP authorizations manually.
Deleting table change logs
Each pass of the profile generator collects all the permission suggestions from the SU24 transaction to a transaction added through the role menu of the single role and checks the permissions to be added to the permission list. The following effect is to add transactions to a role when the added transaction is announced through the role menu of the role and various criteria are met.
System Privileges (Database System) permissions: System Privileges are SQL permissions that control administrative actions throughout the database. Such actions include creating a (database) schema (CREATE SCHEMA), creating and modifying roles (ROLE ADMIN), creating and deleting a user (USER ADMIN), or running a database backup (BACKUP ADMIN).
With "Shortcut for SAP systems" you can automate the assignment of roles after a go-live.
SAP authorizations control the access options of users in an SAP system - for example, to personal data.
You can automate the translation of the texts by using the LSMW transaction.