SAP Authorizations Evaluate licence data through the Central User Management

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Evaluate licence data through the Central User Management
SAP S/4HANA® migration audit
To make the most of the time stamping process, you should fill the time stamp tables in the legacy system before upgrading. Implement SAP Note 1599128. With this correction, the report SU25_INITIALIZE_TSTMP is delivered, which allows to write the current timestamps of your data from the transaction SU22 into the respective timestamp tables USOBT_TSTMP and USOBX_TSTMP. After the upgrade, you will have a reference date for your SU22 data, which you can use to compare with the SAP proposal data shipped for the new release. Setting the timestamps in the legacy release reduces the effort required to complete step 2a, because only those applications whose SU22 data has been modified are matched. If you have not filled the timestamp tables in the old release, the tables in your new release will be empty. In this case, in step 2a, the content of the SAP proposal values will be compared to the customer proposal values, regardless of a timestamp.

The role menu of the PFCG role now consists of folders that represent all logical links within a scope start page, and external services that represent the logical links and the area start pages themselves. This means that any external service listed in the Role Menu is eligible for a Area Start Page or Logical Link. If such an external service is removed from the role menu and the PFCG role is generated, the user of this PFCG role does not have permissions to view this external service (see screenshot next page). You will find duplicate, maybe even triple, entries from external services. These are mainly found in the folders of the homepage and under GENERIC_OP_LINKS. You can delete them without any concern, because an external service for a permission must appear only once in the Role menu. For a better overview, it is also useful to rename the external services or folders as they are shown in the SAP CRM Web Client.
Best Practices Benefit from PFCG Roles Naming Conventions
The SU25 transaction lists additional customisation options in addition to upgrade activities. Under the item Adjustment of the permission checks (optional) are the transactions SU24 for the maintenance of the value of the proposal, the transaction AUTH_SWITCH_OBJECTS for the global elimination of the authorization objects as well as the transaction SE97 for the maintenance of transaction startup permissions checks (see Tip 76, "Maintain transaction start permissions when calling CALL TRANSACTION"). In the Manual Adjustment section of selected roles, you can create roles from manually created profiles, generate SAP_NEW (see Tip 64, "Use SAP_NEW correctly"), or generate SAP_APP as roles. In the General maintenance for suggestion values section, the reports SU2X_CHECK_WDY_HEADER for the registration of header data for external services (see tip 38, "Use the SU22 and SU24 transactions correctly") and SU2X_CHECK_CONSISTENCY for the concession test (available via the in SAP Note 16466666446445) 692 named Support Package) of suggestion values for the selected authorization objects.

Last but not least, a well-managed suggestion value maintenance helps you with upgrade work on suggestion values and PFCG roles. This ensures that your changes and connections to the respective PFCG roles are retained and new permissions checks for the new release are added to the applications.

Authorizations can also be assigned via "Shortcut for SAP systems".

One is the transactional tiles and the other is the native or analytical tiles :

You use this BAPI when you implement a password reset self-service as described in Tip 52, "Reset Passwords by Self-Service." This enables encrypted e-mail delivery of initial passwords within a self-service framework.
SAP Corner
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