SAP Authorizations Define security policy for users

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Define security policy for users
Authorization concepts in SAP systems
If you only want to translate the description of the role, it is recommended to record the PFCG transaction and to change the source language of the role using the Z_ROLE_SET_MASTERLANG report before the LSMW script runs through. The report on how to change the source language can be found in SAP Note 854311. Similarly, you can use the SECATT (Extended Computer Aided Test Tool, eCATT) transaction to perform the translation instead of the LSMW transaction. Furthermore, automation is possible with the help of a customer-specific ABAP programme. To do this, you should take a closer look at the AGR_TEXTS table. The table contains the different text blocks in different languages. Here we show you a section of the table with our example role Z_SE63. Short texts are assigned a value of 00000 in the column LINE, and long texts are assigned a value of 00001 to 0000x. The language keys are displayed in the SPRAS column. An ABAP programme now allows you to write the counterparts for the text fields in the target language into the fields in the tables.

This advanced functionality of the transaction SU53 is delivered via a patch. Please refer to SAP Note 1671117 for more information on the required support packages and technical background. Unsuccessful permission checks are now written to a ring buffer of the application server's Shared Memories. This will allow you to view failed permission checks in Web Dynpro applications or other user interfaces, which was not previously possible. Depending on the size of the ring buffer and system usage, up to 100 failed permissions checks per user can be displayed for the last three hours. The size of the ring buffer is calculated from the number of defined work processes. By default, 100 permission checks can be saved per workprocess. You can adjust this size using the auth/su53_buffer_entries profile parameter.
Add External Services from SAP CRM to the User Menu
You can automate the translation of the texts by using the LSMW transaction. This transaction is intended for migration tasks, but is also very well suited to allow a particular transaction to be repeated and automated. You record the execution of a transaction and get the variables of the text blocks (technical role name, role description, etc.). You can add values from an import file based on Microsoft Excel to each flow loop. For example, the Excel file contains a table with the columns Technical role name, description German, description English. The LSMW script works through the import file line by line and thus role by role.

Define critical permission combinations that cannot be assigned in the monitored systems. A whitelist allows you to specify which users (such as emergency users) you want to exclude from the evaluation. Identify vulnerabilities in the configuration of your RFC interfaces, i.e. RFC connections, where users with extensive permissions (e.g., the SAP_ALL profile) are registered. These RFC connections can be used for the so-called RFC-Hopping, where access to an SAP system is made via such an extensively authorised RFC connection.

If you get into the situation that authorizations are required that were not considered in the role concept, "Shortcut for SAP systems" allows you to assign the complete authorization for the respective authorization object.

Find out what types of users you can use and how the password rules affect these types of users.

Alternatively, you can enable the check for activity 50 (Move) of the S_USER_GRP authorization object.
SAP Corner
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