Customising User and Permissions Management
Grant permissions for SAP background processing
When pasting permission field values from the Clipboard, the values are added to the existing entries. You must also separate the value intervals when inserting with the help of the tab stop. If permissions for the individual values do not exist for maintenance, they are rejected, i.e. not taken over. The Insert function from the Clipboard is also available in the dialogue box for maintaining the organisation levels. The Copy to Clipboard and Paste from Clipboard functions are not available if you maintain field values that allow only the selection of fixed values. For example, this is the case in the Activity field.
The first line defines that access to all files is forbidden unless other settings have been made for them in the other lines. The asterisk (*) is in the first place here and in this case for all files and paths. If the asterisk is in a different position, it is interpreted as part of the file name, which is not allowed in Microsoft Windows, for example. In our example table, setting the switches FS_NOREAD = X and FS_NOWRITE = X for all paths prohibits reading and writing. This makes the table a white list. This is preferable to a black list for security reasons. SPTH, on the other hand, becomes a Black List if you remove the first line with PATH = * in our example or if you do not set any of the switches FS_NOREAD, FS_NOWRITE or FS_BRGRU. The second line with PATH = /tmp allows read and write access for all files starting with /tmp, similar to a permission value /tmp*, as an exception to the access ban defined in the first line for all files and paths. This setting is not limited to subdirectories, but includes, for example, all files whose name starts with /tmp-xy. The third line with PATH = /tmp/myfiles defines a permission group with FS_BRGRU = FILE, triggering the subsequent permission check on the S_PATH object. The SAVEFLAG = X switch defines that these files will be included in a backup procedure; however, this is not relevant for the permission award.
Rebuilding the authorization concept
The context-dependent authorizations combine the general and structural authorizations and avoid situations like in the example above. The context-dependent authorizations can be separated so finely that a separation of functions can be made possible without any gaps. Basically, with context-dependent authorizations, the authorization objects are supplemented by structural authorization profiles. This means that authorizations are no longer assigned generally, but only for the objects in the authorization profile. The use of context-dependent authorizations means that the familiar P_ORGIN authorization objects are replaced by P_ORGINCON and P_ORGXX by P_ORGXXCON. The new authorization objects then contain a parameter for the authorization profile.
In principle, a technical 4-eyes principle must be implemented within the complete development or customizing and transport process. Without additional tools, this can only be achieved in the SAP standard by assigning appropriate authorizations within the transport landscape. Depending on the strategies used, only certain transport steps within the development system should be assigned to users. When using the SAP Solution Manager ("ChaRM") for transport control, for example, only the authorizations for releasing transport tasks should normally be assigned here. The complete processing of a transport in the development system consists of four steps: Creating and releasing a transport request (the actual transport container), creating and releasing a transport task (the authorization for individual users to attach objects to the respective transport request).
However, if your Identity Management system is currently not available or the approval path is interrupted, you can still assign urgently needed authorizations with "Shortcut for SAP systems".
This report checks at user or single-role level which tables have permissions based on the S_TABU_DIS or S_TABU_NAM authorization objects.
However, this was only possible for FI with additional programming.