SAP Authorizations Copy the user from the Clipboard to the Transaction SU10 selection

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Copy the user from the Clipboard to the Transaction SU10 selection
Adjust tax audit read permissions for each fiscal year
If you still have problems with the performance of the evaluation, despite the regular archiving and indexing of the modification documents of your user and permission management, this is probably due to the amount of central change documents. In this case, you also need an archiving concept for other key change document data. SAPHinweis 1257133 describes the procedure for creating such a concept.

Of course, these objects can be adapted to the requirements of a company at any time. If a new program is required in the namespace of a company, the programmer decides which authorization objects should be checked in this program. If the standard objects do not meet the desired requirements, the programmer can create his own authorization objects that contain the required authorization fields.
Essential authorizations and parameters in the SAP® environment
Finally, we would like to draw your attention to SAP Note 1781328, which provides the report PFCG_ORGFIELD_ROLES_UPD. This report enables a mass update of existing role derivations. However, you do not use the concept of the organisational matrix, but you have to store the new organisational values directly when the report is called. Therefore, this function requires a high degree of understanding for the adjustments that are running in the background and is therefore only available as a pilot note. This means that this message must be explicitly requested via a customer message and only then will SAP support release it for you if necessary. It is not currently planned to make the information generally available via a support package.

Consulting firms adjust the roles and authorizations in retrospect. This usually means "making the best of it" and making ad hoc adjustments - in other words, not fixing the root cause and cleaning up from scratch. Companies should therefore ask themselves: how can this be avoided? What requirements must a DSGVO-compliant authorization concept fulfill? How can we remain meaningful regarding the authorizations of specific individuals in the system and the purpose of the authorizations?

"Shortcut for SAP systems" is a tool that enables the assignment of authorizations even if the IdM system fails.

In the following we will show you how you can optimise the change document management of the user and permission management.

You have added the S_TABU_NAM authorization object to your permission concept, so that users can access the tables not only through the S_TABU_DIS authorization object, but also through S_TABU_NAM.
SAP Corner
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