SAP Authorizations CONCLUSION

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An overview of the actual relevant information for your system landscape can be obtained from the application System recommendations in the Change Management section of the SAP Solution Manager (transaction SOLMAN_WORKCENTER or SM_WORKCENTER). This application will provide you with a recommendation for the SAP and non-SAP hints to be implemented for the evaluated systems.

A far more elaborate way is the identification via the business roll customising. Here you first identify the technical name of the area start page or the logical link in the customising of your business role in the CRMC_UI_PROFILE transaction. If you have an area start page, check the technical name of the corresponding logical link. The next step is to switch to the navigation bar customising in the transaction CRMC_UI_NBLINKS and identify to the technical name of your logical link the corresponding target ID in the View Define logical link. If you use the target ID as the search parameter in the CRMC_UI_COMP_IP table, you will get the information about component name, component window, and inbound plug as the search result.
Use system recommendations to introduce security
A prerequisite for the indirect assignment of PFCG roles is a well-maintained organisational model. This may correspond to a line organisation consisting of organisational units to which posts are assigned. Use an organisation chart to visualise the employee structure of the company or department for which you are to assign roles. Assign to the posts the people to whom a user is assigned as an attribute. In addition, you can also include other objects from HR organisation management, such as the posts describing the post and assigning roles.

The SAP_NEW profile is basically designed to bridge the release differences in eligibility checks after an upgrade and ensure that the established business processes remain executable after an upgrade. The SAP_NEW permission should only be assigned temporarily and only in emergencies in a productive SAP system after an upgrade.

"Shortcut for SAP systems" is a tool that enables the assignment of authorizations even if the IdM system fails.

For details on the relevant support packages, see SAP Note 1891583.

On the importance of the authorization concept when converting to SAP S/4HANA.
SAP Corner
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