Concept for in-house developments
Dialogue user
Before using the system recommendations, we recommend that you implement the corrections in SAP Notes 1554475 and 1577059. It is also necessary that the systems to be managed are connected to the SAP Solution Manager and that in the transaction SMSY were assigned to a productive system and an SAP solution. Then, in the System Recommendations settings, schedule a background job that collects the relevant information about the attached systems. Relevant information is your release and support package stand, as well as SAP notes and their versions. An OSS connection from the SAP Solution Manager, which you have to set up beforehand, will then perform a calculation in the SAP Global Support Backbone, which will determine the necessary information, i.e., that the SAP Solution Manager itself hardly generates any load from the calculation. To automatically check the security level of your systems, you should also schedule this calculation as a background job.
If the system trace has recorded permission data for this authorization object, it will appear in the right pane of the window. In the left pane, you can see the existing suggestion values. If you notice that you do not have any suggestion values that you think are necessary and have been recorded by the trace, you can set the suggestion values to Yes by selecting the appropriate row, column or field in the right pane and clicking the Apply button. You are free to make any manual adjustments to the field values. Afterwards, confirm maintenance and your changes are saved for this authorization object. Do the same for all other authorization objects.
Check and refresh the permission buffer
Each UI component that can be clicked corresponds to an external service that must each have permission set up. UI components also include creating or calling stored searches or navigating from one record directly to another record, such as calling an appointment directly from a business partner; This corresponds to cross-navigation. All navigation options in the form of external services are defined in the customising of the CRM business role in the form of a generic outbound plug mapping to the navigation bar. Outbound Plugs (OP) define what happens when a user leaves a view in SAP CRM. Here the customising is set for scenarios that do not necessarily fit all CRM business roles. The corresponding CRM business roles have been configured to be associated with outbound plugs that are not required for the respective CRM business role scenario. This explains the large number of external services in the role menu.
Add SAP Note 1695113 to your system. With this note, the RSUSR200 and RSUSR002 reports are extended by the selection of different user locks or validity. In the selection, you can now distinguish whether you want to include or exclude users with administrator or password locks in the selection. In addition, you can select in the report RSUSR200 whether the users should be valid on the day of selection or not. To do this, select whether you want to select the user locks as set (01 set) or not set (02 not set) in the selection screen of the RSUSR200 report in the Locking after Lock section of the User Locks (Administrator) field. This includes local and global administrator locks. In the same section, you can also select the password locks (false logins) as set (01 set) or not set (02 not set). This will filter for users that are locked because of incorrect password messages and for which a password login is no longer possible. You can select these selection criteria together or separately. Alternatively, you can also use the Use only users without locks option and additionally, in the Selecting after the user is valid between user today and user today, select not valid.
Authorizations can also be assigned via "Shortcut for SAP systems".
Finally, you can extend your implementation of the BAdIs BADI_IDENTITY_SU01_CREATE and pre-enter additional fields of the transaction SU01.
But what are these two profiles different from each other and why are they necessary?