Check Profit Centre Permissions in FI
Maintain derived roles
The most important security services regarding permissions are the EarlyWatch Alert (EWA) and the SAP Security Optimisation Service (SOS). You compare the settings in your SAP systems with the recommendations of SAP. Both services are delivered as partially automated remote services; You can also use the SOS as a fully automated self-service. The EWA and SOS shall carry out eligibility tests, the results of which shall always be as follows: The heading indicates the check in question. A short text describes the importance of the audited entitlement and the risk of unnecessary award. A list indicates the number of users with the validated permission in the different clients of the analysed SAP system. The SOS also allows you to list the users. In the SOS, a recommendation is made for each check to minimise the identified risk. A final formal description represents the checked permissions. However, not only the explicitly mentioned transactions are evaluated, but also equivalent parameter or variant transactions.
We advise you not to use the self-set password with a self-service as a generated password is more secure. The password is generated depending on the password rules; This is done by first evaluating the settings in the security policy assigned to the user. If no security policy has been assigned to the user, the system will consider the password rules in the profile parameters and in the customising table PRNG_CUST. In order for the associated security policy to be considered, you may need to include the correction provided with SAP Note 1890833. Remember that the BAPI_USER_CHANGE function block does not automatically unlock the user. In the event of a lock-out due to incorrect logins, you still have to unlock the user using the BAPI_USER_UNLOCK.
Your system landscape does not correspond to a typical three-system landscape? Find out what you should consider when upgrading the suggested values of roles. Your system landscape may differ from the typical three-system landscapes, for example, because you have several development systems or development mandates. Transports are then used to merge all developments and customising entries into one consolidation system. Perform your upgrade work in the SU25 transaction and use Step 3 to transport your SU24 data. By contrast, perform this step in all development systems, run all transports together in your consolidation system, and only the last import of the tables is used. The same entries are also recognised as deleted entries. The same is true with your PFCG rolls. Maintain these in multiple development systems or mandates, and if you now want to transport the rolls with their generated profiles, there is a risk that the profile numbers will be the same, as the profile names consist of the first and third characters of the system ID and a six-digit number. If the profiles originate from the same system (even if the client is a different one), import errors may occur due to the same profile names. In addition, the origin of the profile can no longer be traced afterwards. Therefore, you need a way to transport the data for the permission proposal values and the PFCG rolls in Y landscapes in a transparent and consistent way.
In the SCUA transaction, which you typically use to create or delete a ZBV distribution model, you can temporarily disable a subsidiary system. This option is disabled by default. To enable it, you must make changes in the customising of the PRGN_CUST table. Open the PRGN_CUST table either directly or via the customising in the SPRO transaction in the respective subsidiary system.
Secure your go-live additionally with "Shortcut for SAP systems". You can assign necessary SAP authorizations quickly and easily directly in the system.
When pasting permission field values from the Clipboard, the values are added to the existing entries.
Since RFC interfaces are defined for the entire system, they can be used from any client of the start system.