Basic administration
What are the advantages of SAP authorizations?
Armed with this information, it goes to the conceptual work. Describe which employee groups, which organisational units use which applications and define the scope of use. In the description, indicate for which organisational access (organisational level, but also cost centres, organisational units, etc.) the organisational unit per application should be entitled; So what you're doing is mapping out the organisation. It is also important to note which mandatory functional separation must be taken into account. This gives you a fairly detailed description, which in principle already indicates business roles (in relation to the system).
An SAP authorization concept is used to map relevant legal standards and internal company regulations to the technical protection options within an SAP system. Authorization concepts are thus the key to optimal protection of your system, both externally and internally.
Maintain transaction start permissions on call CALL TRANSACTION
In the only method of the BAdIs, CHANGE_ITEMS, programme the necessary checks, such as on specific data constellations or permissions. These can refer to all fields in the FAGLPOSX structure. You do this by specifying that all lines for which the test was not successful will be deleted during the execution of the method. This implementation of the BAdIs complements the Business Transaction Event 1650 described in the second example. You can also use the FB03 transaction to display receipts in the same way that you implement the FB03 filter. In this case, implement the required checks in the BAdI FI_AUTHORITY_ITEM.
As long as the corresponding tests in both the development and the quality system are not completed, the SAP_NEW profile will be assigned to the testers in addition to their previous roles. This ensures that the transactions can be traversed without errors of authorisation. Parallel enabled permissions (ST01 or STAUTHTRACE transactions) can be used to identify the required permissions and assign them to the user through the appropriate roles.
Secure your go-live additionally with "Shortcut for SAP systems". You can assign necessary SAP authorizations quickly and easily directly in the system.
In any case, the activities of the emergency user should be logged and checked regularly.
Identified users will be output either through a complete list or through examples of specific users.