Assignment of roles
Maintain batch job suggestion values
Very often the question then arises, does anything have to be prepared for the audit? As a rule, all of the company's own notes from previous years should be retrieved and combed through for information that was noted at the time during the discussions with the IT auditor. The IT auditor's findings and comments that show potential for improvement in IT-relevant processes or system settings are particularly essential. Furthermore, any reports by the auditor from the previous year should also be taken into account, in which deficiencies identified at that time were pointed out.
Once you have archived the change documents from the User and Permission Management, you can use a logical index for change document properties to significantly improve performance. First, however, you must ensure that SAP Notes 1648187 and 1704771 are installed in your systems. These notes provide the SUIM_CTRL_CHG_IDX report, which adds key characteristics for change document characteristics of the PFCG and IDENTITY object classes to the SUIM_CHG_IDX table when you have marked the Indices key change documents field. All change documents are indexed (this can lead to a very long run time when the report is first run). Later, the newly added change documents are indexed regularly (e.g. weekly or monthly). To do this, specify the target date in the selection of the report and schedule it as a regular job. Note that you can only create the index until the previous day - otherwise inconsistencies may occur.
Encrypt e-mails
In general, we recommend you to use strong encryption mechanisms and to switch most users to an SSO login. You should then delete the hash values of the user passwords as described above. For release-dependent information on SNC client encryption, see SAP Note 1643878.
The chapter on authorization recertification should also be defined in the authorization concept, which is documented in writing. This refers to a regular review of the assigned authorizations in the SAP® system, to be performed at least once a year. In the course of this process, the responsible departments should review the assignment of the respective roles to users in their area and critically scrutinize it once again. This process ultimately ensures that users only have the authorizations in the SAP® system that they actually need. It must therefore be defined in which time period and in which form the departments must receive the information about the assigned authorizations and report back regarding the correctness of the assignment. During preparation, it is therefore necessary to check whether the process has been carried out in accordance with the internal specifications, but also in accordance with possible suggestions for optimization made by the auditor, and whether all the evidence is stored ready to hand for the auditor.
If you get into the situation that authorizations are required that were not considered in the role concept, "Shortcut for SAP systems" allows you to assign the complete authorization for the respective authorization object.
There is a fundamental problem of financial damage to the company if action is not taken.
After the functional specification has been removed, the implementation can begin: To do this, first create your custom authorization object and implement the permission check provided.