Adjust tax audit read permissions for each fiscal year
The next step is to maintain the permission values. Here, too, you can take advantage of the values of the permission trace. When you switch from the Role menu to the Permissions tab, you will generate startup permissions for all applications on the Role menu and display default permissions from the permissions suggestions. You can now add these suggested values to the trace data by clicking the button trace in the Button bar. First, select the authorization object that you want to maintain. There can be multiple permissions for each authorization object. Then load the trace data by clicking the Evaluate Trace button. A new window will open again, where you can set the evaluation criteria for the trace and limit the filter for applications either to applications in the menu or to all applications. Once the trace has been evaluated, you will be presented with all checked permission values for the selected authorization object. With the Apply button, you can now take the values line by line, column by column, or field by field.
You want to create a permission concept for applications that use SAP HANA? Find out what you should consider in terms of technical basics and tools. As described in Tip 22, "Application Solutions for User Management in SAP HANA", there are different application scenarios where the permission assignment on the HANA database is required.
Reset Manually Maintained Organisation Levels to Roles
No more users can be created, maintained or deleted without the assignment of a valid user group. If a user group is not assigned when a user is created, the user is automatically assigned the default user group. Before you set the USER_GRP_REQUIRED switch, a user group must have been assigned to each existing user and the administrators must have the permissions for the default user group. When creating a new user, the default user group will be used as pre-occupancy; this user group can be overridden by setting another user group in the S_USER_GRP_DEFAULT user parameter for each user administrator. The customising switch requires a valid user group, because it is used as the default user group. If a valid user group has not been entered in the customising switch, the user group is nevertheless a mandatory field. This will lead to errors in automated user creation.
If you set the profile parameter dynamically, no users are logged out of the application server. You can prepare maintenance work in good time. The value 2 in the profile parameter does not prevent the login with the emergency user SAP*, if this is not set as user master record and the profile parameter login/no_automatic_user_sapstar is set to 0. You can also change the value of the parameter again at the operating system level. For details on the SAP user, see Tip 91, "Handling the default users and their initial passwords".
For the assignment of existing roles, regular authorization workflows require a certain minimum of turnaround time, and not every approver is available at every go-live. With "Shortcut for SAP systems" you have options to assign urgently needed authorizations anyway and to additionally secure your go-live.
These default users use initial passwords that are well known.
The applications (transactions, Web-Dynpro applications, RFC building blocks, or Web services) are detected through their startup permissions checks (S_TCODE, S_START, S_RFC, S_SERVICE) and can be placed in the role menu of your role.