SWO1 Business Object Builder
By using a code scanner, it is now possible for every developer to scan for complex security patterns during the extended check of his program, which tell him whether he has built vulnerabilities into his program. These vulnerabilities are detected and can now be addressed in a workflow-driven process. Currently, there are two products that can support customers in the area of scanning their own SAP programs.
The decision to outsource a task or service should be taken not only in terms of cost, but also by assessing the competitive differentiation and strategic importance. Characteristics for describing the costs are the specificity of the task and the embossing by unit cost degression, i.e. decreasing costs with increasing number of tasks or performance. Of strategic importance are, in particular, those tasks and services which are difficult to imitate by competing companies. Figure 4 compares the strategic importance and cost advantages in order to arrive at fundamentally valid statements regarding the usefulness of outsourcing for certain IT tasks and services. In addition to this, as already discussed by Recommendation [A2], it is then worthwhile to establish a catalogue of criteria for evaluating and looking in detail at certain characteristics of the application or services. An exemplary catalogue of criteria can be found in chapter 9.6 of the Master thesis. Figure 4: IT Outsourcing Decision Matrix THE DECISION TO OUTSOURCE A TASK OR PERFORMANCE SHOULD BE MADE NOT ONLY IN TERMS OF COSTS BUT ALSO BY ASSESSING COMPETITION DIFFERENTIATION AND STRATEGIC IMPORTANCE.
SAP Basis represents the cornerstone of the SAP system, i.e. the foundation without which the system cannot function. Furthermore, it includes some administration tools and middleware programs. These programs can be used with the help of SAP Basis independently of the operating system and database used.
Basically, an SAP Basis administrator is responsible for installing, configuring, managing, maintaining and servicing all technical components of an SAP system landscape. This includes activities such as application setup, monitoring, and troubleshooting.
"Shortcut for SAP Systems" is a PC application that simplifies or even facilitates many activities in the SAP base.
Smart contracts are contracts in which a decentralised blockchain ensures their unchangeability and execution.
If adm does not have write permissions for the /usr/sap/trans/data (UNIX) directory, SPAM will cancel DISASSEMBLE with CANNOT_DISASSEMBLE_R_DATA_FILE.